Bagdad - Minetek Water Management

Bagdad - Minetek Water Management


Date: October 19, 2023

Time: 6:00 p.m. - Social Hour, 7:00 p.m. Dinner, 7:30 p.m. Evening’s Speaker & Topics of Discussion

Location: Copper Country Bar & Grill, Bagdad, AZ

Dinner Options: Mexican Buffet

Sponsors: TBD

Speaker: Minetek Water Management

Door Pricing:

$30 Online Pre-Sale

$35 at the Door

Join us for an insightful presentation on Minetek's water evaporation solutions. Explore the diverse

applications of our technology and explore compelling case studies showcasing real-world impact.

Discover the inner workings of our world leading evaporation process and gain insight into the key

components of a successful evaporation solution. Learn about our global success stories, different models

of evaporators and how we are helping the mining industry to safely manage water and reduce the risk of

environmental damage caused by the uncontrolled release of mine effected water.

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