2024 Scholarship Application
The Grand Canyon Section of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration is dedicated to furthering the education and future careers of those joining the mining industry. To support this feat, the organization opens its scholarship program to students pursuing a degree in a mining-related field including but not limited to Mining Engineering, Geological Engineering, Metallurgy, Metallurgical Engineering, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Chemical Engineering, Mineral Exploration Geology, Science, and Engineering as related to mining activities. The chapter awards scholarship amounts that range anywhere from $1,000 to $6,000 per student. The number of scholarships given varies every year, but the chapter’s goal is to help out as many students as possible. This effort is supported by the chapter’s SME golf tournament which is hosted annually in Bagdad, AZ. Through the generous donations of sponsors, players, and people attending this event, the Grand Canyon Section can help develop the minds of the next generation’s mining industry.
Scholarship Rules and Guidelines:
● Be an SME student member in good standing. Link here: https://www.smenet.org/membership/types
● Be a student in good standing at an ABET-accredited university or a Bagdad High School senior.
● Letter of recommendation: from a teacher or employer.
● Copy of transcripts: unofficial or official.
● Resume.
● One-page essay from the following prompt:
● Highschool: What is your major/trade (if undecided, choose an interest), and how do you think living in Bagdad, Arizona influenced that choice?
● Grad/PhD: Coming Soon…
● Graduate: Coming Soon…
● Vocational School: Coming Soon…
PDF versions of all documents are preferred. Document submissions will be submitted to contact@grandcanyonsme.org, following application submission.
Please use the following naming convention to submit all required documents: “Last Name_First Name_2024”
Application Submission Deadline: May 15, 2024
Recipients will be notified in May by email.