What We’ve Done

Annual Golf TOurnament


SME Grand Canyon's largest event is the Annual Golf Tournament. Held in April in Bagdad, this is a day-long fundraising event. In 2018, the golf tournament was followed by a corn-hole tournament, an anything-but-silent auction and live music. The events after golfing were all open and free to the community and lasted until nightfall.



SME Grand Canyon hosts monthly dinner talks. These dinners are sponsored by various vendors and headlined by the vendors themselves, or local experts. The talks range in topics, but always offer a learning experience. Patrons are welcome to help themselves to a drink during the social hour before dinner.

Please note that monthly dinner meetings are on hold during this time.

Adopt A Highway


SME Grand Canyon maintains a stretch of highway just outside of Bagdad. Multiple times a year our members, and community help keep this stretch clean.

Intern Events

SME Grand Canyon hosts multiple events for local interns. These events promote professional development and socializing with local and interns alike.